Meditation Retreat Schedule

March 3 – 8     Crestone, CO

Awakening Wisdom & Love Through Insight Meditation

Teachers: Susie Harrington, Brian Lesage
Registration: opens in September

This retreat offers the unique opportunity to practice Insight Meditation at Blazing Mountain Retreat Center. Blazing Mountain is situated on the sacred land of Crestone, Colorado. The surrounding environment and beautifully designed meditation hall provide a spacious setting for practice. The comfortable accommodations and healthy vegetarian meals will nurture your well-being. Sponsored by, and more information available from the Salida Sangha.

Sunset over river

New Year's Retreat

Dec. 27, 2017 – Jan 1, 2018 Salt Spring Island, BC
Teacher: Susie Harrington
Cost: varies based on choice of lodging from $630 - $347, plus dana (donation) for the teacher
Location: Stowell Lake Farm, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Info & Registration

We will retreat into the deepness of winter to appreciate and release the Old Year and welcome and anticipate the vision and renewal of the New Year. We will sink into the deep quiet of these darkest days of the year and celebrate turning once more towards the increasing light and warmth. On New Year’s Eve, you are invited to stay up until Midnight with a slow, gentle evening of sharing blessings, chants, words and quiet, treats, and candles. It is a lovely way to celebrate together.

My Image

Loving the Self to Death

Retreat 3
A program for advanced practitioners

May 24 – 27
Old La Sal, UT
Susie Harrington

Registration for full program required; application period open through Sept. 10.

More info and application

Lost Coast Women's Retreat

May 31 – June 8,      Northern California
Teachers: Susie Harrington and Erin Selover
Info and Registration

The Lost Coast is the longest, wildest stretch of the northern California Coast. Carrying daypacks and lunch, we hike nine miles along the rocky shore, dropping into silence along the way, and arrive at a place that feels sacred and magical. Nestled between the ocean and the mountains, we will practice with the surf, the birds and the sea breezes as our supports. Camping and indoor sleeping arrangements are available.

People walking on a rocky beach

Touching the Earth

July 26 – 30     Paradise, Utah
Teacher: Susie Harrington
Cost: 3-day option (7/26-7/28) $100-$140
          5-day option (7/26-7/30) $140-$260
Info & Registration: Cache Valley Sangha

This residential retreat will be an opportunity to sit and walk in silent meditation practice in a lush pastoral setting. Looking deeply into the heart of our experience, we will examine the habits of mind that cause us to suffer. When we bring our compassionate attention to moment to moment experience, our hearts and minds relax and we can access freedom, contentment and well -being.

This retreat will take place primarily outside, with camping or bunk house accommodations available. In addition to sitting and walking meditation, there will be dharma talks, meetings with the teachers, chanting and mindful movement. Those new to meditation and those with experience are welcome.

paradise brook

Awakening in Love and Insight

A residential retreat
August 18 – 25      
Pecos Monastery, Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey, Pecos, New Mexico
Susie Harrington
Cost: $750 – $550

Info & Registration at the Albuquerque Sangha website.

Insight Meditation is a simple and direct practice based on moment-to-moment awareness, a technique that opens the heart and clears the mind. In practicing mindfulness in silence throughout the day—in sitting and walking meditation–we learn to be aware of our experience from a place of stillness and equanimity. As we come to see more clearly, insight deepens, and compassion and wisdom can arise.

This retreat, designed for beginners and experienced practitioners alike, will include meditation instruction, dharma talks, individual practice discussions with the teacher and group discussion time. There is a beautiful meditation space at the Center, and we will also sit outside as conditions allow.

Pecos Monastery in the trees

Gratitude & Generosity: Realizing the Abundant Heart

A weekend non-residential retreat

December 7 – 8     Spirit Rock, Woodacre, CA

Teacher: Susie Harrington
Info (and registration when open)

In this weekend retreat, we will practice and inquire, exploring the natural flow of giving and receiving that is the source of all connection, all life, and an expression of the fundamental truth of interconnection.

Sunrise at spirit rock.

Journey to Bhutan
A Cultural & Walking Retreat

Nov. 23 – Dec. 6      Bhutan
Susie Harrington
Info & Registration

This trip is a rare opportunity to travel behind the scenes in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, a country steeped in centuries of Buddhist life and practice. Monastic life is active and strong in Bhutan, and we will practice in many monasteries, listen to the chanting monks and nuns, and meet with local Rinpoches who guide monastic life. On most days we will walk – visiting remote temples, exploring villages, or hiking from town to town. We will support our journey and enrich our experience through meditation practice and personal reflection.

February Monthlong

February 1 – 29     Spirit Rock, Woodacre, CA
Co-Teachers: James Baraz, Kamala Masters, Tempel Smith, John Martin, Beth Sternlieb
Info (and lottery when open) at
Applications for the lottery will be accepted Tuesday, July 16, 2019, to midnight Saturday, August 31, 2019. You do not need to apply on the first day it opens.

An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained and dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness, combined with training in loving-kindness and compassion, through a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, dharma talks and practice meetings with teachers.

Escalante Wilderness Backpacking Retreat

Full with a waitlist

Dates: April 12 – 18
Teacher: Susie Harrington
Info & Registration

This retreat is an opportunity to "return home" to our true, wild nature to deepen our practice. Immersed the extraordinary wilderness of Escalante in Utah and in the quiet of our meditation practice, we will open ourselves to the interconnectedness, preciousness, and beauty of our true nature. Sitting in the beauty of canyon country gives us ready access to rapture, that quality of delighted interest and awe, and one of the seven factors of enlightenment.

Vibrant spring growth among the sandstone.

From Compassion to Action

An online daylong retreat of meditation and wise response

June 28, 9:00 - 4:00 MDT
8 - 3:00 PDT, 10 - 5:00 CDT, 11 - 6:00 EDT. Zoom familiarization for those who desire half hour before start.
Teachers: Susie Harrington and Kirsten Rudestam
Cost: $40 - $100 ($10 fee for admin costs, the remainder is offered in support to the teachers. For this retreat, 50% of teacher fees will be donated to organizations in support of Black Lives Matter) No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Compassion is the wholesome expression of the open heart when it meets the suffering of our world. To know compassion is to care – to feel our connection with other people and with the more-than-human world. In these times we are asked to come to terms with the devastating effects of our racial history, our environmentally disastrous greed, and the immediate difficulties of Covid-19. It is in facing these challenges that our hearts can know both our tenderness and our strength. There is the natural desire to feel both compassion and to relieve the suffering.

In this daylong retreat, we will explore through meditation, dharma talks, connection with others and engaged practice, how to know and allow the natural movement of our hearts. There will be periods of silent practice as well as invitations to take action, such as making a phone call, writing a letter, donating to a cause, and finding your own inspiration to act. Through mindfulness, we will explore the emotions, resistances, hindrances, and wholesome qualities that arise in considering and enacting compassionate response. What arises when we are moved to do something, to move off the cushion, out of silent meditation and take our practice into action?

Below are some race resources you can begin to look at. Prior to the retreat, we will send additional resources on other topics, and the zoom link. We ask that you spend 30 minutes prior to the retreat exploring responses in a topic that moves you.

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Resources for Accountability and Actions for Black Lives
Anti-Racism Resources

People lying in street in protest


Susie will be on sabbatical October 2024 – April 2025.


The Still Heart of Awareness

May 17 – 29, 2025
Venue: Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Teachers: Guy Armstrong, Sally Armstrong, Dawn Scott, Susie Harrington, devon hase and Rasika Link

More info at SRMC

In this retreat we will explore the nature of awareness, or consciousness, which is at the heart of sentient life. Awareness is always with us, revealing the phenomena of our experience, yet we may not have learned how to use it as a focus in meditation. As we deepen our connection to this mysterious capacity for knowing, it becomes a powerful pathway to inner freedom and liberation. This retreat will feature Dharma talks, guided meditations, and practice discussions with the teachers to lead us into a direct experiential connection to this innate quality of awareness.

Spirit Rock Hall and Hills

Touching the Earth:

Awakening with Nature

August 11 – 17, 2025
Teacher: Susie Harrington, assisted by Denise Ackert
Venue: Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center near Boulder CO

More information and registration

Do you long to embody the ease, freedom, and aliveness that is your true home? To do so, the Buddha implored us to “go to the forest, to the foot of a tree” as an onward leading condition for awakening to our true nature. In this home of spruce forests, alpine meadows, birdsong, and wandering moose, we practice immersed in the natural world. Here we explore opening ourselves to the beauty, interconnectedness, and preciousness of our true nature.

Path through field

Finding Refuge, Finding Home

A Retreat in Nature

August 22 – 26, 2025
Susie Harrington, Kirsten Rudestam, Yong Oh
Venue: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Northern CA

More information at
Registration opens: Apr 22, 2025

In the storms of our lives, we need refuge—a place of nourishment and support where we can replenish our tired bodies and troubled hearts. When the Buddha taught meditation, his first instruction was to go sit under a tree. We will practice together in the age-old tradition of being outside in the company of the natural world. Together, we will tap into the natural stillness and dynamism that surrounds us and teaches us balance. As we integrate stillness and movement, we move toward being active participants in the world while maintaining balance and ease in our hearts and minds.

My Image

Teton Sangha Fall Retreat

One week residential retreat

September 26 – October 3, 2025
Teacher: Susie Harrington
Location: Swan Valley, Idaho
More information to follow in June.

Offered by the Teton Sangha

Insight Meditation is a simple and direct meditation practice based on moment-to-moment mindful awareness. These ancient teachings cultivate an open heart and clear mind. The retreat will be held at a charming ranch surrounded by open spaces, a gentle creek, and forested hills.

Natural Radiance:

Exploring the Freedom of Awareness

November 14 - 21, 2025
Susie Harrington, Yong Oh, and Mei Elliott
Venue: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Northern CA

More information at
Registration opens: Jul 15, 2025

Awareness is a beautiful, hidden jewel that is innate in everyone. Awareness illuminates experience, which creates the pathway for clarity, understanding, and insight. It is a foundation for wisdom, compassion, and awakening. In this silent meditation retreat, we will explore the quality of awareness—what it is, and how to cultivate and abide in awakened presence. We will investigate how mindfulness supports a depth of awareness through various meditation practices, and we will look at what obscures the clarity of awareness both in meditation and in everyday life. Throughout our time together, we will also explore the fusion of love and awareness and consider how developing awareness allows a natural opening of the heart.

Large spinning prayer wheel

Baja Sea Kayaking Retreat

A seven day, six night wilderness retreat in Baja California 

November 24 – 30, 2025
Sea of Cortez, Baja, Mexico

Teacher: Susie Harrington
Location: Trip begins and ends in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Direct flights available from L.A., Phoenix, and Dallas or Tijuana 4-5 days a week.

Information and registration

Paddling in the Sea of Cortez provides a unique opportunity to explore the power of a silent meditation retreat while immersed in the beauty and wildness of the Sea of Cortez. We will participate in an age-old tradition of going into the wilderness as a support for spiritual practice and inquiry. Immersed in this coastal wilderness, we will use meditation practices to increase our receptivity to the interconnectedness, preciousness and beauty that surround us. Through our enhanced openness and quiet, we have the opportunity to explore deeply the truth of our own nature. We will be in a supportive community as we explore this inner and outer journey. And our community will most likely be inter-species as we interact with the numerous other animals that live in and around the Sea of Cortez—fish, dolphins, whales, manta rays, birds, and the many other creatures of these remote islands.

Sunset light on the ocean


Touching the Earth Nature Retreat

September 2026
Teachers: Susie Harrington and Jaya Rudgard and Eleni Monos assisting
Venue: Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts

More information and registration arising as conditions support

Path through field