Touching the Earth

Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center, CO
August 11 – 17, 2025

Teachers: Susie Harrington and Denise Ackert (assistant)

$750 - $600 Camping, and vehicle sleeping spots
$900 - $750 Lodging - doubles and glamping
$1,050 - $900 Lodging - singles

The retreat fee only covers the basic retreat costs: food, facility, travel for teacher and cook, and other incidental expenses. In the spirit of generosity, Susie offers her teaching freely, and you have the opportunity to offer a support donation at the end of the retreat to each of them. For more information, see Teacher & Staff Support.

Registration opens in February.

Creek in aspen forest

Awakening in Nature

Do you long to embody the ease, freedom, and aliveness that is your true home? To do so, the Buddha implored us to “go to the forest, to the foot of a tree” as an onward leading condition for awakening to our true nature. In this home of spruce forests, alpine meadows, birdsong, and wandering moose, we practice immersed in the natural world. And we explore opening ourselves to the beauty, inter-connectedness, and preciousness of our true nature. During this retreat, we’ll be encouraged to look out and around, as well as inward, and to delight in what we see. This retreat is held in noble silence with periods of group and solo sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, and inquiry practice.

Sunset over the mountains and retreat hall


Lodging Options – view lodging options here (external link to RMERC site)
You may camp in a beautiful campsite, or stay in the lodge. There are single lodging options, and double rooms.

COVID Policy
Please read the complete RMERC covid policy here. The Covid policy may change at anytime in accordance with the teacher’s discretion.

Pre-retreat. To ensure everyone’s safety, we ask that you wear an N95 mask during travel, especially while in planes and other public spaces, regardless of federal rules, and that you are really careful for 10 days before your retreat. If you have any COVID symptoms please do not come to RMERC until you are well.
To ensure everyone’s safety and comfort, we may ask you to test for COVID prior to arriving at the retreat. More information will be provided closer to the date of the retreat.

You will be out of contact with no internet access or cellphone service during the retreat. Please complete all personal business before you arrive. The staff will have the ability to make and receive emergency calls or emails on your behalf, but phone and internet are not available for personal use.

Food and Meals
Three simple vegetarian meals a day will be provided from dinner the first day through lunch of the last, including solo food which does not require cooking. If you want a snack between meals, or supplemental protein such as jerky or packaged fish, you can bring a small quantity of packaged unrefrigerated food. Tea and coffee along with milk and sweeteners are available before and during breakfast. Please do not bring anything that needs refrigeration (medicine excepted). Excessive snacks are unnecessary: if you need a boost, a little gorp or an energy bar is sufficient for most people.

To allow us to be out on the land we will be packing our lunches after breakfast. Please bring a plastic container or two with tight fitting lids to carry your lunch in.