A note from Susie - I appreciate your support. Whether it is a one-time gift or repeated, each offering helps support the dharma and allows me to continue to offer the teachings. What or how you offer is always up to you. Though I would like to thank you each and every time you send a gift, I hope you will understand that my appreciation is there without receiving a note.
If you are receiving regular mentoring through a program, you may choose any interval for donations that works best for you. Some people have found automating their offering works well.
Donations to Susie can be made directly, or for amounts over $250 you may make a tax-deductible donation to her through Sky Mind Retreats. For donations intended for Susie or other teachers, Sky Mind will retain a $15 fee for one-time donations and $5 per recurring donation. This Sky Mind retention is required by the tax code and goes toward supporting administrative costs for Sky Mind.
Sky Mind Retreats offers scholarships to most of its retreats. These are supported both when people pay at the top of the sliding scale for retreats, and by direct donations. Donations of any amount are appreciated, and for scholarship or other specified purpose, 100% will be used for the intended use.
Susie is grateful for direct donations of dana for her teachings. There are a few options:
1) Check payable to Susie Harrington and mail to: PO Box 264, Moab, UT 84532
2) Paypal:
Please leave goods and services option deselected. If you link a bank account to Paypal and make your donation from that bank account or any Paypal balance, no fees are charged. A 3% fee is charged for any payment using a credit card.
3) Direct Deposits: Please KEELIN Keelin and she can give you a bank account address and/or routing number for direct deposits.
If you would like to make your donation to a non-profit, (this may be preferable if you itemize deductions and can use the tax deduction), please donate to Sky Mind Retreats. If you are donating via SMR to teacher(s), for scholarship or other specific purpose, please indicate that in your donation. For donations of $250 or more, you will receive a letter of acknowledgement at the end of the year (as required by the IRS).
There are several options for donations to Sky Mind Retreats
1) Check payable to Sky Mind Retreats, and mail to: PO Box 1171, Moab, UT 84532. Or for retreats, send directly to the registrar for that retreat.
2) Paypal:
3) Direct Deposits: Please KEELIN Keelin and she can give you a bank account address and/or routing number for direct deposits.