Offered by Kirsten Rudestam and Tanya Wiser, this is a silent, nature-based Vipasanna meditation retreat. We will be camping along the Wind River in the Columbia River Gorge, a beautiful setting to cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world and bring the potency of the Summer Solstice alive in our awareness and direct experience. Practice periods will include silent and guided sitting, walking meditation, and Dharma talks.
Registration Info
This registration form is quite long and we request that you have patience. At the end of each section, there is an opportunity for you to take a break by entering an email address to which we send a link for you to continue your registration. It takes 15-20 minutes to complete. It could take longer if you need some time to remember your retreat history (2nd section). If you have trouble with seeing the full registration page, first try to refresh your webpage. If that doesn't work, click on the registration link again.
After you have a successful registration, you will see a window that says Success! and then receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive that email in ~10 min, please first check your spam folder. If it is not there either, please email elementsnaturedharma@gmail.com
May we please share your information for carpool coordination? We only share email, city, and state. *
Sleeping Accommodations
Please rank your top choices. If camping is your top choice, we only need you to rank that you will camp. If you prefer glamping or car camping please know that these spots are limited and you may not get your first choice.
Tent and Gear Rental: A small selection of tents, pads and sleeping bags may be available for those who prefer to camp, but aren’t able to bring their own gear. 1 person - $30 rental fee. Note: We may require that you select, put up, and take down the tent and assure that the all gear is stored properly for the next user. Please contact the registrar directly for this.
The fee for this retreat covers the food, cook, and site rental. This fee is offered on a tiered basis to allow each participant to pay for what is most appropriate for themselves. The supported rate is $350, the basic rate is $450 and the supporter rate is $550. We also have a limited amount of scholarship funds for those who would otherwise be unable to attend.
I elect to pay: *
Food Restrictions
All meals are vegetarian. We will try to accommodate dietary restrictions; please let us know anything that may affect your health, but please be cognizant that complicated diets will be a challenge for the cook to accommodate.
Do you have any foods you cannot eat? *
I don't eat:
How did you find out about this retreat: *
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.